Debauchery; An excessive indulgence in sex
Coming 2022
(All info and graphics for this project are place holders and may change.)
What is Debauchery?
Debauchery will be a fully NSFW, digital only BTS zine.
When will the zine run?
The project will begin sometime in 2022.
Who are the Moderators for this zine?
Currently Ollie is the only Moderator for the zine. Additional Mods will be selected later.
Will you be holding Moderator applications?
Yes! Moderator applications will open in the first part of 2022.
Will you be holding Contributor applications?
Yes! When is still to be decided.
Will you be inviting any creators to the zine?
Yes. The number of invited Contributors is still to be determined but wont affect the number of Contributor applications available.
What is the timeline for this zine?
The timeline is still to be decided.
Is the zine for charity or for profit?
This is still to be decided.
Will the zine allow minors?
Absolutely not.
The zine is fully explicit in nature and as such under 18's are not permitted to be involved in any way. All participants are expected to be 18 years of age (international age) or over at the time applications open.
Additionally, depictions of minors will not be allowed anywhere in the zine.
Are there any other content restrictions?
The zine will not allow the following content:
→ Underage (including grooming, pedophilia, references to past child sexual abuse)
→ Incest
→ Bestiality
→ Non-Consensual Sex (including consensual non-consent due to the difficulty of telling this apart from the real thing in certain content types)
→ Pregnancy
This list may be added to in future.
Will there be restrictions on the number of creators included in the zine?
Yes. How many of each type of creator will be included is still to be decided.
Why digital only?
While there are some I know of, it's difficult to find print companies that allow adult content printing. There's also all the logistics of manufacturing and shipping physical products which has only become more difficult in the current world climate. To keep this project fun for all participants, it will be digital only.
How much will the zine cost to buy?
This is still to be decided.
Why is so much about the zine still undecided?
I want to include other moderators in the decision process for a lot of the important elements of the zine.
Please avoid contacting moderators about the zine via their personal accounts. This can lead to miscommunication and things getting lost!
email: aeozines@gmail.com
Meet the Moderators
mod 🦌
28 | he/him | UK
6 years as a full time self employed Artist, 11 years total of commission work.
Sole mod of 2 zines in other fandoms
Contributor in 22 other zines and anthologies across multiple fandoms
Moderator in 4 long running discord servers
Moderator of 3 BTS fests